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Application Portal User Guide

Guide & Tips

The JAMP Advisor Portal Main Menu contains the following links:

SEARCH:  Allows you to search for all new applicants to JAMP from your school.  In addition you can search for current and former JAMP participants. You can filter by entry year, ethnicity, gender, *application status, *standing, progress in program etc.   * See status addendum for details. 

DASHBOARD: Gives quick overview of current entry year applicant data. Total started, Total submitted, not submitted and Released for  School Review  (JAMP Council applicant review committee), JAMP Processing are files that have not yet be submitted to committee or have issues preventing the file from being released.  Clicking on the individual status will provide you a list of applicants based on the applicants’ current status.

DOCUMENTS: Will be able to search entire pool for document information.  This will allow you to track individual applicants to determine if all supporting documents have been received.

REPORTS: Where you will go to run reports on your applicant group.  

Search for Applicants
An applicant search can be performed in two ways.

1. Click on the [Search] link from the main menu. You can find applicants by searching on multiple fields; a few examples are listed below. This search is cumulative, meaning that the more fields that are used in the search, the more narrow the search result will be.   Selecting the Entry Year is necessary to find current EY2012 applicants.  Not selecting the Entry Year will compile a complete list of your institution’s applicants.  

  • Last Name (including Other Last Name)
  • First Name (including Other First Name)
  • Email
  • Gender
  • Phone
  • Application Status
  • Entry Year  (this is important if you are searching for current JAMP participants)

2. Using the [Quick Search] box in the top right corner of every screen. You can search by full Last Name (including other/former last names) or JAMP ID.

Important Note:
Not entering a name, JAMP ID or selecting any search field criteria and clicking on the [Find] button will display all applicants from your school, current and past. Search results display the JAMP ID, Entry Year, last name, first name, various dates, JAMP Status, Standing and student’s email address.

The JAMP ID is a link to go directly to view the application for the selected applicant. These results may be exported to Excel by clicking on the link above, [Export to Excel].

Results are sorted by JAMP ID. Results can be resorted by clicking one of the column headings. Clicking a column heading twice reverses the sort order.

View Applicant Detail
When you click the JAMP ID in the [ID] column, you will be taken to the Applicant Review page for the applicant.

The Applicant Sub-Menu is located under the main menu at the top of the screen. The Applicant Sub-Menu will show you the different views of information that are available for the specific applicant that you selected. The sections are:

Profile - shows the Applicant Profile report, containing certain summary data. Will be viewable only after application is submitted.

Application – shows the printable version of the applicant data as entered in the application. It is divided into the same sections that appear in the applicant view. Click on the section under [Bookmarks] to go straight to a specific section of the application.

RCW – Record of College Work. Lists all course work taken. Will be viewable only after application is submitted.

PCR – Prescribed Course Report. Lists all courses which count towards satisfying the required coursework. Will be viewable only after application is submitted.

Scores – shows the applicant’s SAT and or ACT scores (no longer required).  For future use this page will show the JAMP participant’s MCAT scores.   

Letters - shows all letters of evaluation expected and their received status.  You can use this page to see who your student has asked to submit.  As a JAMP Faculty Director / Advisor you now have the ability to upload individual letters of evaluation.  When the document is uploaded a doc ID is generated and displayed. Click on the number (doc ID) in the [View] column to view the document after it has been uploaded.    Letters of Evaluation must be uploaded in the Letters Page section. *See instructions for uploading documents.

Transcripts - shows all college and high school transcripts expected and their received status. As a JAMP Faculty Director / Advisor you now have the ability to upload individual transcripts.  When the document is uploaded a doc ID is generated and displayed. Click on the number in the [View] column to view the document after it has been uploaded.    All transcripts must be uploaded in the Transcript Page section. *See instructions for uploading documents.

Aid - shows all Student Aid Reports (SAR) and their received status.  When the document is uploaded a doc ID is generated and displayed. Click on the number in the [View] column to view the document after it has been uploaded.    All Student Aid Reports (SAR) must be uploaded in the Aid Page section. *See instructions for uploading documents.

Other Docs - shows other documents expected and their received status. Examples are residency documentation, visas, updates, etc.     This page may be used to upload other documents required to complete the application.   Letter of Evaluation, Transcripts and Student Aid Reports must be uploaded on their assigned page.

SES - shows answers to questions that result in the Socioeconomic rating.

Status - This page allows the advisor to track student’s application status as well as the student’s JAMP Status.  This page will allow the advisor to check student’s progress and standing in the program as well as past history.    Please see attached addendum for status name, abbreviations and meanings.

How to Upload Documents
You must have the ability to scan a document and save to a file folder on your computer to be able to upload documents.  To upload documents to the individual JAMP applicant:
1. Search for the applicant by going to the [Search] screen or by using the [Quick Search].
2. Determine the document you want to upload then click on the correct page [Letters, Transcripts, Aid or Other Docs] from the sub-menu.  
3. Click the [Upload] link in the column labeled Upload.
4. Browse for the document to be uploaded and click the [Upload] button.  
5. You will receive the message “Document was successfully uploaded!” once the document has been successfully uploaded.
6. The document will now be made available for JAMP Staff to review and approve.  

Working with the PDF views
The application, profile, the PCR and RCW are all PDF files to make these documents easier to work with. The menu at the top of the PDF display allows you to
• Print the PDF to your local system
• Save the PDF locally or
• Email the PDF
• Page through the PDF by clicking the up or down arrow
• Magnify the document for easier viewing by using the – or + buttons
• Search for a word or phrase within the PDF by entering a search term in the text box

Will not be available the first year, JFDs are encouraged to submit types of standard reports they would like to produce.

Status Addendum:
Application Status: indicates where a student is in the process of applying to JAMP. These statuses are used mainly to manage processing of applicants. Application statuses are:

Application Status Name



Not Submitted


Applicant has started an application but has not submitted

JAMP Processing


Applicant has submitted their application and is in JAMP Processing. They have not yet been released for School (Committee) review.



Applicant submitted an application, was in JAMP Processing but during JAMP Processing was determined to be ineligible to apply to JAMP. This is a terminal application status-nothing further happens to the student’s application. Students given this status no longer appear in the Processing pages.

Withdrawn Before Release


Applicant submitted an application, and was in JAMP Processing but during processing the student withdrew their application before marked as released for school review. This is a terminal application status-nothing further happens to the student’s application. Students given this status no longer appear in the Processing pages.

Ready for School
(Committee) Review


Applicant submitted an application, and was in JAMP Processing.  They were marked as complete in the review process and were released for school (Committee) review. Students will ALWAYS have this same application status. Students given this status no longer appear in the Processing Pages. They DO appear in the School portal and they now have a JAMP Status of Pending.

On the main Search page you can search by Application Status. You’ll notice that you can also search there for all Submitted applicants. Although this is not an official application status, it’s a way of grouping together all applicants who are in processing, have been released, have been marked ineligible or have withdrawn before release.

JAMP Status: indicates a student’s current status in the JAMP Program.  The system keeps a historical record of when a student entered each JAMP status over time, so you may view either their current status, or the history of their JAMP Statuses. Possible JAMP Statuses are:






Set when a student is Released for School Review. If a student’s application status is Ineligible or Withdrawn before release, they will have no JAMP Status since they have no relationship to the JAMP program.



Decision is delayed

Invited for Interview


Student has been invited for an interview but has not yet interviewed



Student has completed interviews



Student has been accepted into JAMP program but has not yet returned contract.



Student has been accepted into the JAMP program and has returned their contract



Subject to Change: in the past, this was used for JAMP students who had matriculated to a medical school.  Old records will be updated to indicate status in the new system.  See Progress Status

Offered Alternate


Student has been offered a position in JAMP as an Alternate but has not yet returned signed Agreement.

Declined Alternate


Student was offered a position in JAMP as an Alternate but declined offer.



Student was offered a position as alternate and returned paperwork to accept

Deferred Acceptance


Acceptance into medical school is deferred for a year.

Withdrawn after Acceptance


Student was Accepted into the JAMP program and then withdrew.

Withdrew Before Action


Student was released for school (Committee) review, but withdrew from consideration before any Council action

Withdrew After Interview


Student withdrew after interviewing

Rejected Without Interview


Council rejected student without interviewing

Rejected After Interview


Council rejected student after interviewing



Student was dismissed from the Program

Graduate Med


Graduated from Medical School-no longer in JAMP program

Progress: indicates where a student who has been admitted to JAMP is in their progress through the program.  The system keeps a historical record of a student’s progress and also tracks their standing at each progress level. Possible progress levels are:

Progress Level Name






Standing is tracked by semester (Fall/Spring)

Applicant is in their sophomore year



Standing is tracked by semester (Fall/Spring)

Applicant is in their junior year



Standing is tracked by semester (Fall/Spring)

Applicant is in their senior year

5th Year


Standing is tracked by semester (Fall/Spring)

Applicant has applied for and been approved for a 5th year and they are currently in that 5th year.

Medical School 1


Standing is tracked by year

Applicant is in their first year at medical school

Medical School 2


Standing is tracked by year

Applicant is in their second year in medical school

Medical School 3


Standing is tracked by year

Applicant is in their third year in medical school

Medical School 4


Standing is tracked by year

Applicant is in their 4th year in medical school


Standing: An applicant’s standing at each stage of progress is tracked historically. That is, for Fall of junior year they will have a standing and for Winter of Junior year they will have a standing.  Possible values are:

Standing Name





Applicant is maintaining required grades and all other JAMP requirements



Applicant has been placed on probation

Leave of Absence


Applicant has applied for and been granted a leave of absence



Applicant is repeating a year.






JFD Town Hall Recap 

On Wednesday, August 16, the JAMP Administration held a Town Hall event for JAMP Faculty Directors where we heard updates to the application and program, new resources for applicants and JFDs, and shared best practices for recruitment.

JFD Town Hall banner

Download Town Hall PPT 



AAMC Letter of Evaluation Guidelines

Core Competencies


JAMP Promotional Stories

Please feel free to share these videos as part of your presentations about JAMP!




JAMP Application Workshops




Advisors Handbook